A book by Brad Sturm
Brad graduated from Moody Bible Institute and has served the Lord in Chicago, Central Mexico, and currently, the interior of Alaska. He and his family are commended to the ministry by Forge Road Bible Chapel in Perry Hall, Maryland and are associated with Christian Missions in Many Lands.
A word from Brad
So many of us know what it feels like not to feel it. We know what we should feel. We know what a child of God is supposed to love and hate, what is supposed to make them excited or sad. But these feelings simply aren’t there. We wonder where is the power to change? Where is the joy? Where is the passion? And in the meantime, we just go through the motions. This book explores what has been to me the most joy-creating, life-liberating truth in the battle to feel it again. It is an exploration of what it means to be created in the image of God. It looks at how we were created to live, day to day, in an intimate relationship with our heavenly Dad. The aim of this book is to provoke thought, to encourage, and to challenge so that we can again live Feeling It.
Coming soon is the audio version of Feeling It. It will be available for download here.
The following videos serve as introductions to each chapter in the book. They help get clear in the reader’s mind what question is being answered. Feeling It can be used in conjunction with these videos in youth groups or other small group settings. Please contact us for bulk purchases. All proceeds from Feeling It go to support One Wilderness Ministries.